Archive for iphone

8 iPhone Users are Rich

Posted in Meltdowns with tags , , , , , on 11 August 2008 by claysocha

While Apple’s opprobrious quality control department sits on their thrones counting gold coins reminiscent of a Prince John’s Nottingham, iPhone users are wondering what the hell is going on with the outwardly bizarre applications coming available from third parties.  In the latest instance of tomfoolery, users noticed the “I Am Rich” application recently available.  There are many gentlemanly iPhone customers out there who would naturally gravitate toward this application.  The mere thought of a dancing icon on your main menu that reads “I Am Rich” is enough to induce a pavlovian effect on the true gentleman.  However, the price tag of $1000 is enough to snap out of said trance and take a good long lucubration on the matter.  After all, $1000 can buy a lot of Oyster Guinness Bombs.

So what is the functionality of this application? Status aside, absolutely nothing.  Still, within a short time after being added to the application selection on Apple’s Store, 8 daring gentlemen bought the app, generating some serious revenue for the “developer.”

Apple has since learned about the largely successful scam and has removed the application’s availability.  But wait… can Apple do that?  This developer supposedly paid the fees to develop and post his app.  It was allowed on the store, began to generate money, then was pulled.

I think Apple is jealous of offering an application that costs more than their device itself.  This simple case of covetousness earns Apple an A+ in MELTDOWNS.

Industry Weekly

Posted in Memories with tags , , , , , , , , , on 15 July 2008 by claysocha