Archive for sprint nextel lawsuit

CA Residents: Sign those useless contracts!

Posted in Memories with tags , , , , on 1 August 2008 by claysocha

As the executives at Sprint Nextel begin their cothurnal flailing about, one must wonder if the time has come to enter into one of those epically invidious 2 year contracts with a wireless carrier.  If you keep au fait on current news events, you’ll have noticed that a California Judge has deemed “Early Termination Fees” illegal in the State.  In theory, this means that after initiating a service agreement (or contract) with a 1 or 2 year clause attached, there should be no repercussions for cessation of said contract at all!

Thus, we must all take advantage of the precious discounts that accompany a contract extension.  Hark! The bum rushing of wireless stores from Gilroy to Gardena begins tomorrow at opening.  The sheer thought of a big corporation being marginally unequipped to plan ahead is extremely appealing in the naughtiest sense of the word.  Tomorrow, I purchase new phones and equipment deeply discounted at the 2 year contract rate.  This weekend, I make a routine appeal to have the device unlocked (thus fetching a higher price on eBay).  Next week, I call to terminate my 2 year contract, citing the court case, paying no fees, and basking in the luminous glow of four brand new smartphones while indulging in a hearty slice of victory pie!

Since this is still a preliminary ruling we should probably wait for Sprint Nextel to appeal and the FCC to botch everything by inserting its demented opinion into the minds of the people of California.  One thing we can guarantee is the mysterious disappearance of letters like these from Sprint Nextel:
